Jayant Avva Jayant Avva

Start with the easy stuff

Cultivating skillful states of mind like metta needn’t be a gargantuan struggle. It can be easier than it sometimes appears.

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Jayant Avva Jayant Avva

The recipe

What is the recipe for a very skilled mind? We discuss a list of factors that one must practice in order for developing a skilled mind.

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Jayant Avva Jayant Avva

Stages of Joy

A paragraph on how joy becomes subtler and tends towards equanimity.

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Jayant Avva Jayant Avva

Ajahn Sona and The Buddha

The push and pull between wise counsel from Buddhist teachers, and the narrow prison of habitual thoughts is explored here.

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Jayant Avva Jayant Avva


Here we discuss the value of repetition in forming habits.

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Jayant Avva Jayant Avva

Right attitude

Here we discuss right attitude as taught by Ajahn Sona, a Theravada Buddhist teacher.

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