The recipe

The practice of metta can be turbocharged by attending to the internal process with more mindfulness. In essence, here, we are in search of a recipe. The ingredients for the recipe are:

  • Mindfulness (Sati)

  • Loving-Kindness (Metta or Maitri)

  • Compassion (Karuna)

  • Sympathetic Joy (Mudita)

  • Equanimity (Upekkha or Upeksha)

  • Close contact with the Dharma (Satsang)

The last factor, having close contact with Dharma, essentially refers to whatever teachings and directions one receives by listening to teachings on Dharma, or by reading books on Dharma. Such teachings and directions inform and improve the rest of one’s personal practice. The oven in which all these ingredients are combined is consciousness.


Start with the easy stuff


Creating your own Dharma practice