
Repetition has always been a key component of developing certain mental traits. The power of repetition goes a lot farther than I’ve been willing to admit. The simple fact that I give in to one kind of habit today is a testament to how powerful such a habit has become.

Now, I have the goal of making metta a background factor in my mind. Repetition is the key here as well. Given how many benefits there are to metta practice, reifying this goal, and really being double zealous about loving-kindness as a goal is a wise direction for me.

Over the past couple of days, I have tried being a lot more imaginative about loving-kindness practice than earlier. In addition, I’ve made some progress in terms of recognizing the role of including various flavours and mental factors in developing such meditations. As I revisit this, it strikes me that this may be what Ajahn Brahm meant by Third Noble Truth meditation. (I won’t dive into this further. I recommend that the reader google this and listen to talks by Ajahn Brahm and you will understand this.)


Immerse yourself in Metta


Right attitude