Immerse yourself in Metta

I am beginning to see the value of inserting a certain measure of grounding and courage into my metta meditation. Simply radiating metta from my heart to the entire universe and all her lovely beings is extremely beneficial, but the factor of grounding, where I have a very grounded, earthed, rooted being that is simply here now, seems to provide immediate benefit to me, personally. The enormous, magnetic power of a steady recollection of this factor of grounding is something that I’d like to experience a lot more of. So, the question arises, how does one develop a mental inclination in a specific direction? Repetition. Do it again, and again, and again, and... 

The Buddha was very clear about metta being something that you took a bath in. You could happily immerse yourself in metta and there would only be beneficial effects from the same. I’d like to explore this a whole lot more. I’ve tasted metta in some small doses, but I’d like to fully embody this quality. All said and done, it is a gorgeous way of being, so, why not seek it a whole lot more?

Ajahn Sona gave me some reassurance on the fact that I am headed in the right direction, when I seek relief, peace, tranquility, etc. In essence, whatever peaceful, silent quality I visualize as showing up in the presence of sages like Sri Ramana Maharshi, that is part of the metta practice. 


Ajahn Sona and The Buddha

