PhD Thesis


❖ Shankar E, Weis MC, Avva J, et al., Complex Systems Biology Approach in Connecting PI3K-Akt and NF-κB Pathways in Prostate Cancer, Cells, 26 February 2019.

❖ Sadygov RG, Avva J, et al. d2ome, Software for in Vivo Protein Turnover Analysis Using Heavy Water Labeling and LC–MS, Reveals Alterations of Hepatic Proteome Dynamics in a Mouse Model of NAFLD, Journal of Proteome Research, 28 September 2018.

❖ Rajaram S, Heinrich LE, Gordan JD, Avva J, et al. Sampling strategies to capture single-cell heterogeneity, Nature Methods, 04 September 2017.

❖ Weis MC, Avva J, et al. A Data-Driven, Mathematical Model of Mammalian Cell Cycle Regulation, PLOS ONE 9(5): e97130, 2014.

❖ Avva J, et al. Dynamic Expression Profiles from Static Cytometry Data: Component Fitting and Conversion to Relative, “Same Scale” Values, PLOS ONE 7(7): e38275, 2012.

❖ Avva J, et al. CytoSys: A Tool for Extracting Cell-Cycle-Related Expression Dynamics from Static Data, Methods Mol Biol, 717: 171-193, 2011.

❖ Millat T, Sreenath SN, Soebiyanto R, Avva J, et al. The role of dynamic stimulation pattern in the analysis of bistable intracellular networks, Biosystems, 92(3): 270-281, 2008.